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This is a Dump of Services Help. All DalHelper functions
are shown as DalHelper - under Usage where a DalHelper
function exists. All functions are displayed using the following
ChanServ: Alias CS /Rx DalHelper c %p
MemoServ: Alias MS /Rx DalHelper m %p
NickServ: Alias NS /Rx DalHelper n %p
ChanServ Help
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - HELP
Usage - HELP <command>
DalHelper - /CS HE <command>
Returns Help information about requested ChanServ command.
/msg ChanServ help register
will return information about how to register a channel.
***** ChanServ Help*****
ChanServ gives normal users the ability to keep hold of a
channel, without the need for a bot. Unlike other IRC networks,
channel takeovers are virtually impossible, when they are registered.
Registration is a quick and painless process. Once registered,
the founder can maintain complete and total control of the
channel. hanServwill stop monitoring a channel if no Op enters
the channel for 20 days or the founder's nick expires.
For more information on a command msg ChanServ help <command>
Core Commands:
REGISTER - Register a channel
SET - Change various channel configuration settings
AOP - Maintain AutoOp channel operator list
SOP - Maintain SuperOp channel operator list
AKICK - Maintain the channel AutoKick banned user list
DROP - Drop a registered channel
Other Commands:
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - REGISTER
Usage - REGISTER <channel> <password> <description>
DalHelper - /CS REG <channel> <password> <description>
When you register a channel with ChanServ, you don't need to worry
about takeovers, or bots to keep a list of Ops. ChanServ does all of
this and more. The founder is the person who does the registering.
The password is included so that only the founder can completely
control the channel. The description is only used when a user asks
ChanServ for information on a channel.
/msg ChanServ register #DragonRealm adminchannel DALnet IrcOp and Admin channel.
/msg ChanServ register #Macintosh BeOSrules Macintosh discussion
*** PLEASE NOTE: Passwords ARE case-sensitive. Also, PLEASE
remember your password, write it down somewhere, but PLEASE remember it! :)
(I have tested a 60 character password, and it seemed to work.)
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - SET <channel> <command> [<value>]
Allows you to change your channel settings. These affect a
registered channel's status and operation.
For more information on a command /msg ChanServ help SET <command>
Core SET Commands:
FOUNDER - Allows you to change the channel founder
PASSWD - Lets you change the channel founder password
DESC - Modify the channel's description
MLOCK - Locks the channel to certain modes
OPGUARD - More militant channel operator protection
KEEPTOPIC - Maintain the topic when no one is on the channel
URL - Attaches a URL to the channel
IDENT - Ops have to identify to NickServ before ChanServ ops them
RESTRICT - Allow ops only into a channel
Additional Commands:
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - SET PASSWD
Usage - SET <channel> PASSWD <password>
DalHelper - /CS PA [<channel>] <password>
Will change the founder password on a channel. Is normally used when
ChanServ doesn't recognise the founder. Limited to channel founder.
(I have tested a 60 character password, and it seemed to work.)
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - SET DESC
Usage - SET <channel> DESC <description>
DalHelper - /CS SDE <channel> <description>
Allows the founder to change the description of a channel. Limited
to channel founder.
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - SET IDENT
Usage - SET <channel> IDENT [ON|OFF]
DalHelper - /CS SID <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
This command makes it harder for anyone to use someone elses nick to
gain ops in your channel. If this option is on, then all ops have to
identify to NickServ before ChanServ ops them. Access lists will have
no effect on ops.
/msg ChanServ set #Macintosh ident on
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - SET MLOCK
Usage - SET <channel> MLOCK <mode lock mask>
DalHelper - /CS SML <channel> <mode lock mask>
Changes mode lock pattern for specified channel. Limited to
channel founder. Below are a few examples.
SET #dragonrealm MLOCK +nt-ispklm
Locked to mode +nt only
SET #dragonrealm MLOCK +nt-ipklm
Same as above, except mode "s" isn't locked either way
SET #dragonrealm MLOCK *
Turns off all mode locks
***** ChanServ Help*****
Usage - SET <channel> OPGUARD [ON|OFF]
DalHelper - /CS SOG <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
Turns on/off ops guarding on a channel. When ON, only
AutoOps, SuperOps, and the channel founder will be allowed
ops on the channel. Limited to channel founder.
/msg ChanServ set #DragonRealm opguard on
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - MEMO
DalHelper - /CS SME <channel> [0(NONE)|1(AOP)|2(SOP)|3(FOUNDER)]
Use this command to limit who can send channel memos. When
NONE, no-one can send channel memos. When AOP, only AOps and
above can send channel memos <this is the default setting>. When
SOP, only SOps and the founder can send channel memos. When
FOUNDER, only the Channel Founder can send channel memos.
Limited to Channel Founder.
/msg ChanServ set #DragonRealm memo AOP
will allow only AOps and above to send memos to #DragonRealm
***** ChanServ Help*****
Usage - SET <channel> RESTRICT [ON|OFF]
DalHelper - /CS SRE <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
This option will only allow ops into a channel. If someone who is not
on the AOp/SOp list, they will be kickbanned when they enter the channel.
/msg ChanServ set #Macintosh restrict on
***** ChanServ Help*****
Usage - SET <channel> KEEPTOPIC [ON|OFF]
DalHelper - /CS SKT <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
Turns "Sticky" topics for a channel on or off. If everybody in a
certain channel leaves that channel, then the topic is lost. But with
this option on, that does not happen. ChanServ will set the topic to
"blahblahblah (PersonWhoLastChangedTheTopic)" when the channel is recreated.
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - SET URL
Usage - SET <channel> URL [<URL>]
DalHelper - /CS SUR <channel> [<URL>]
Allows a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to be set, indicating where
more information on the channel may be found. Limited to channel founder.
SET #dragonrealm URL http://www.dal.net/
SET #dragonrealm URL mailto:info@dal.net
An email address
SET #dragonrealm URL
Remove the URL
***** ChanServ Help*****
DalHelper - /CS STL <channel> [0(OFF)|1(SOP)|2(FOUNDER)]
Sets the "topic lock" option for a channel. When on, only the
founder or SuperOps (depending on the option) are able to change
the topic. This setting also performs the function of the KEEPTOPIC
command. Limited to channel founder.
/msg ChanServ set #DragonRealm TopicLock on
***** ChanServ Help*****
Usage - SET <channel> LEAVEOPS [ON|OFF]
DalHelper - /CS SLO <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
Turns on/off leave-ops behaviour on a channel. When ON, the channel
will behave as if ChanServ was not present, and will not deop users
who 'create' the channel. But AutoOps and SuperOps will still be
opped in the channel. Limited to channel founder.
/msg ChanServ set #DragonRealm LeaveOps on
***** ChanServ Help*****
Usage - SET <channel> UNSECURE [ON|OFF]
DalHelper - /CS SUS <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
Will make a channel a little less secure than normal. When on, you
need to be in the founders nick access list to make founder level
changes, you won't need to identify. Limited to channel founder.
If *cicar@194.145.1.* is in the access list for dalvenjah, and #afd
is set to be unsecured, then anyone with the mask of *cicar@194.145.1.*
can make founder level changes on #afd
/msg ChanServ set #afd unsecure on
***** ChanServ Help*****
Usage - SET <channel> PRIVATE [ON|OFF]
DalHelper - /CS SPR <channel> [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
When this option is ON, only those who know about the channel will
have access to it. The channel won't show if /msg ChanServ list
*search pattern* is used, or on a /list. Limited to channel founder.
/msg ChanServ set #Macintosh private on
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - SOP
Usage - SOP <channel> ADD <nick or mask>
DalHelper - /CS SOA <channel> <nick or mask>
Usage - SOP <channel> DEL <index number or mask>
DalHelper - /CS SOD <channel> <index number or mask>
Usage - SOP <channel> LIST [<search pattern>]
DalHelper - /CS SOL <channel> [<search pattern>]
Usage - SOP <channel> WIPE
DalHelper - /CS SOW <channel>
Maintains the channel SuperOp list. While only the channel founder
can ADD and DEL SOps, any AutoOp and above can LIST them.
ADD adds a user to a channels SuperOp access list. DEL removes a
user from a channel's SuperOp access list. LIST lists the SuperOp
access list, with an index number. When LIST is used with a search
pattern, only those entries to the SOp access list matching your
search pattern will be shown to you.
WIPE will totally clear the SOp list.
SOP #dragonrealm ADD dalvenjah
SOP #dragonrealm ADD *!besmith@*.uncc.edu
SOP #dragonrealm DEL 3
SOP #dragonrealm LIST
SOP #dragonrealm WIPE
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - AOP
Usage - AOP <channel> ADD <nick or mask>
DalHelper - /CS AOA <channel> <nick or mask>
Usage - AOP <channel> DEL <index number or mask>
DalHelper - /CS AOD <channel> <index number or mask>
Usage - AOP <channel> LIST [<search pattern>]
DalHelper - /CS AOL <channel> [<search pattern>]
Usage - AOP <channel> WIPE
DalHelper - /CS AOW <channel>
Maintains the channel AutoOp list. Only Sops or above may ADD and
DEL AOps, but any AOp or above may use LIST.
ADD adds a user to a channels AutoOp access list. DEL removes a
user from a channel's AutoOp access list. LIST lists the AutoOp
access list, with an index number. When LIST is used with a search
pattern, only those entries to the AOp access list matching your
search pattern will be shown to you.
WIPE will totally clear the AOp list.
AOP #dragonrealm ADD dalvenjah
AOP #dragonrealm ADD *!besmith@*.uncc.edu
AOP #dragonrealm DEL 3
AOP #dragonrealm LIST
AOP #dragonrealm WIPE
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - AKICK
Usage - AKICK <channel> ADD <nick or mask>
DalHelper - /CS AKA <channel> <nick or mask>
Usage - AKICK <channel> DEL <index number or mask>
DalHelper - /CS AKD <channel> <index number or mask>
Usage - AKICK <channel> LIST [<search pattern>]
DalHelper - /CS AKL <channel> [<search pattern>]
Usage - AKICK <channel> WIPE
DalHelper - /CS AKW <channel>
Maintains the channel AutoKick list. If a user on the channel
AKICK list does try to join a channel, then they will be kicked by
ChanServ, as well as banned. ADDing and DELeting AKICKs is limited
to SOps and the channel founder.
ADD adds a user to a channels AutoKick access list. DEL removes a
user from a channel's AutoKick access list. LIST lists the
AutoKick access list, with an index number. When LIST is used with
a search pattern, only those entries to the AutoKick access list
matching your search pattern will be shown to you.
WIPE will remove all entries from the AutoKick list.
AKICK #dragonrealm ADD dalvenjah
AKICK #dragonrealm ADD *!besmith@*.uncc.edu
AKICK #dragonrealm DEL 3
AKICK #dragonrealm LIST
AKICK #dragonrealm WIPE
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - DROP
Usage - DROP <channel>
DalHelper - /CS DR <channel>
If you no longer wish ChanServ to manage a channel, then /msg
ChanServ identify #name <password> before using this command.
DROP stops ChanServ management of the specified channel.
/msg ChanServ drop #DragonRealm
/msg ChanServ drop #wasteland
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - IDENTIFY
Usage - IDENTIFY <channel> <password>
DalHelper - /CS ID <channel> [optional, default: current channel]
This command will identify the user to ChanServ as the founder,
and give them full access to the channel.
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - INFO
Usage - INFO <channel>
DalHelper - /CS IN <channel>
Shows information for a channel, such as the channel founder, any mode
locks, the current topic, the channel description, any settings such as
topic lock, the time the channel was registered, and the time of the last opping.
/msg ChanServ info #DragonRealm
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - ACCESS
Usage - ACCESS <channel> [<nick>]
DalHelper - /CS ACC <channel> [<nick>]
Allows a user to query their access on a registered channel. Access
levels are Basic, AutoOp, SuperOp, and Founder for any given channel.
When used with the optional <nick> variable, this command serves as
a protocol for bots to query user access on a channel using the
ChanServ facility, thus relieving the bot of keeping track of access
lists. For a registered channel, the reply is given in a NOTICE of
the following format:
ACC <channel> <nick> <user@host> <access level>
The returned access level is a number from -1 to 5, where:
-1 = AutoKICKed from the channel
0 = basic
1 = AutoOp
2 = SuperOp
3 = Has founder access via a NickServ access list mask
4 = Has founder access via identification to NickServ
5 = Has founder access via identification to ChanServ
If the user is not online, the user@host and access level will be
*UNKNOWN* and 0, respectively.
This command is limited to channel AutoOps and above.
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - INVITE
Usage - INVITE <channel>
DalHelper - /CS INV <channel>
Invites the sender to a channel that is set to invite only
(mode +i). Limited to channel AutoOps and above.
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - OP
Usage - OP <channel> <nick>...
DalHelper - /CS OP <channel> <nick>
Will op the <nick> in a channel. Limited to channel AutoOps and above.
Will not work if secured ops is on.
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - DEOP
Usage - DEOP <channel> <nick>...
DalHelper - /CS DOP <channel> <nick>
Will remove ops from the <nick> in a channel.
Limited to channel AutoOps and above.
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - UNBAN
Usage - UNBAN <#channel>
- UNBAN <#channel> *
- UNBAN <#channel> <nickname>
- UNBAN <#channel> <nick!user@host>
DalHelper - /CS UN <channel>
Please note: the ME and ALL options have been removed.
If specified without the last parameter, ChanServ will
remove all bans affecting the current user issuing the
command (the way the old ME option worked). The * option
will remove all bans on the specified channel, the way
the old ALL option worked (* is SOp/Founder only). The
nickname option is used to remove any bans against the
nickname specified (user must be online). Finally, the
nick!user@host option will remove any bans against that
specifc mask (useful when removing one specific ban).
/msg ChanServ UNBAN #dragonrealm
/msg ChanServ UNBAN #afd *
/msg ChanServ UNBAN #afd xPsycho
/msg ChanServ UNBAN #afd xPsycho!user@DAL.net
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - MDEOP
Usage - MDEOP <channel>
DalHelper - /CS MD <channel>
Removes operator status from all users on the named channel who don't
outrank the user, ie an AOp can't deop a SOp. Limited to channel
AutoOps and above.
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - MKICK
Usage - MKICK <channel>
DalHelper - /CS MK <channel>
Evacuates a channel completely by kicking everyone out, banning *!*@*
(everyone), setting mode +i (invite only) and +l 1. When MKICKing a
channel, you cannot UNBAN or INVITE yourself back into the
channel. This should only be used in a takeover situation. Limited to
channel AutoOps and above while they are not outranked on the
channel (if there is a SOp present, an AOp cannot mkick).
/msg ChanServ MKICK #Macintosh
***** ChanServ Help *****
Command - LIST
Usage - LIST <search pattern>
The list command has been disabled.
It will not be back for a while.
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - COUNT
Usage - COUNT <channel>
DalHelper - /CS CO <channel>
This command will display the number of AOps, SOps, & AKICKs
in a channel. Limited to AutoOp or higher.
/msg ChanServ COUNT #Macintosh
***** ChanServ Help*****
Command - WHY
Usage - WHY <channel> <nick>
DalHelper - /CS WH <channel> <nick>
This command is used to tell why the given nick is gaining
operator status (ops) on the given registered channel. The reply
will tell which entry, either registered nick or mask, in the AOp
or SOp list is allowing the nick to gain ops. This command has no
useful effect if the given nick is not gaining ops or some type
of access in the given channel.
/msg ChanServ why #dalnethelp Ramuh
***** End of ChanServ HELP*****
NickServ Help
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - HELP
Usage - HELP <command>
DalHelper - /NS HE <command>
Returns Help information about requested NickServ command.
/msg NickServ help register
will return information about how to register a nickname.
***** NickServ Help *****
NickServpermits users to register'a nickname, and stop
others from using that nick. NickServallows the owner of a
nick to disconnect a user using the owners registered nick.
If a registered nick is not used by the owner for 20 days,
NickServwill drop it, leaving it up for grabs by another user.
Please do NOT register more nicks than you will actively use! =)
For more information on a command msg NickServ help <command>
Core Commands:
REGISTER - Register a nickname
SET - Change settings, including the KILL option
ACCESS - Change the list of addresses allowed to use a
IDENTIFY - Authorize yourself using a password
RECOVER - Stop someone from using your registered nick
GHOST - Terminate a ghosted nickname
DROP - Drop a registered nickname
Other Commands:
***** NickServ Help *****
Command - REGISTER
Usage - REGISTER <password> <email-address>
DalHelper - /NS REG <password> <email-address>
This will register your urrentnickname with NickServ. This
means that only you can have access to this nickname, unless
you give access to others. The password is a ase-sensative
password that you make up. leasewrite down or memorize
your password! You illneed it later to change settings.
When you register a nickname, an entry is added to your
ccess listbased on your current address.
Please ensure that you enter a valid email address when using
this command. Registered nicks with invalid email addresses
expire within 24 hours.
/msg NickServ REGISTER AnyGoodPassword billy@hotmail.com
If dalvenjah's user@host mask was dalvenja@, then
dalvenja@123.221.231.* would have been added to his access list.
***** NickServ Help *****
Command - SET <command> [<value>]
Usage - SET <command> [<value>]
Lets you change your nickname settings. These are several options
here, but to use any of them, your nickname MUST be registered.
For more information on a command,
/msg NickServ help SET <command>
Available SET Commands:
PASSWD - Lets you change your nickname's password
ENFORCE - Forcibly prevent people from using your nick
URL - Attaches a Uniform Resource Locator to your
NOMEMO - Disables LLmemos to your nick
NOOP - Stops users from adding you to AOp/SOp lists
EMAIL - Set your email address
SHOWEMAIL - Lets you decide whether services can display
your email address to other users upon request
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - SET PASSWD
Usage - SET PASSWD <old-password> <new-password>
DalHelper - /NS PA <new-password>
This command changes the current password for your nickname.
(I have tested a 60 character password, and it seemed to work.)
/msg NickServ Set Passwd MyOldPassword AnyOldNewPassword
You have to identify yourself to NickServ before doing this.
***** NickServ Help*****
The SET KILL option has been replaced by
the SET ENFORCE option.
Please see /msg NickServ HELP SET ENFORCE
for more information.
***** NickServ Help*****
DalHelper - /NS SEN [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
DalHelper - /NS SKI [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
This option will make it much harder for anybody to use your
nick. If someone changes their nick to a nick registered with
enforce on, they will be given 60 seconds in which they must
either change nicks, or DENTIFYthemselves. If they do
not comply, their nick will be changed by services.
/msg NickServ SET ENFORCE ON
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - SET URL
Usage - SET URL [<URL>]
DalHelper - /NS SUR [<URL>]
Will show anyone who asks NickServ for info on your nickname an URL
(Uniform Resource Locator) along with the rest of your info. This
could be your home page location, or an email address, for example.
SET URL http://www.dal.net/lefler/
SET URL mailto:lefler@dal.net // An email address
SET URL // Remove the URL
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - SET NOMEMO
DalHelper - /NS SNM [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
When this option is on, ALL memos to this nickname will be
ignored. MemoServ will simply not store them. This command could
be usful if you were going on vacation for a while, and did not
want your memo list to build up. If this option is on, it will
show up in /msg NickServ info.
/msg NickServ SET NOMEMO ON
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - SET NOOP
DalHelper - /NS NOP [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
When this is on, ChanServ will not allow your nick to be added to
any AOp/SOp lists in any channels. Whoever tries to add you will
get a notice from ChanServ back saying that you have NOOP set on.
/msg NickServ SET NOOP ON
***** NickServ Help *****
Command - SET EMAIL
Usage - SETMAIL [<email address>]
DalHelper - /NS SEM <email address>
By setting an email, we can handle your missing/lost password
requests much faster. Normally, users won't be able to see this
email address that you provide. If you would like them to, use
Please ensure that you provide a real email address when using
this command. A single verification email is sent to the address
with instructions on how to complete the change of address
/msg NickServ SET EMAIL jim@jimscomputers.com
- The first example sets the user's email
address to jim@jimscomputers.com.
***** NickServ Help *****
DalHelper - /NS SHE [0(OFF)|1(ON)]
With this set to ON, any user can see the email address that you
have provided and when it is set to OFF, your email address becomes
hidden to them.
***** NickServ Help *****
Command - AUTH
Usage - AUTH
DalHelper - /NS AU [auth code]
Services will ask you to use this command from time to time
verify changes in your email address settings.
(follow the instructions that services gives you when the
time comes)
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - ACCESS
Usage - ACCESS LIST [<nickname>]
DalHelper - /NS AL <nickname>
Usage - ACCESS ADD <user@host mask>
DalHelper - /NS AA <user@host mask>
Usage - ACCESS DEL <user@host mask>
DalHelper - /NS AD <user@host mask>
Allows you to list, add, or delete user@host masks from your access
list. When a mask is added to your access list, you will not need to
identify to NickServ.
ACCESS ADD calvin@hobbes.catt.ncsu.edu
ACCESS DEL birdman@alcatraz.com
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - IDENTIFY
Usage - IDENTIFY <password>
DalHelper - /NS ID
This tells NickServ that you are the owner of a certain nickname.
After you have identified, you have full access to the nickname.
/msg NickServ Identify AnyOldPassword
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - RECOVER
Usage - RECOVER <nick> [<password>]
DalHelper - /NS REC <nick>
If you haven't set your nick kill switch to on, then this is the
manual version. If someone is using your nick, /msg NickServ Recover
<yournick> <password>. This will forcibly stop them from using your
nick. A check in this command prevents you from killing yourself. :)
/msg NickServ Recover dalvenjah AnyOldPassword
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - GHOST
Usage - GHOST <nick> [<password>]
DalHelper - /NS GH <nick>
If, for some reason, your Internet connection fails, then your client
may not log off IRC properly. This is called a ghost. With this
command, you can remove your ghost. If you're not in the access list
for the nick, you must use the password.
/msg NickServ Ghost dalvenjah aPasswordHere
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - DROP
Usage - DROP <nick>
DalHelper - /NS DR <nick>
Will stop NickServ watching your nick, and will remove it from
NickServs database. If a nick is dropped, anyone else can register it.
/msg NickServ Drop Cit
You will need to identify yourself to NickServ first.
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - RELEASE
Usage - RELEASE <nick> [password]
DalHelper - /NS REL <nick>
If you used the recover command to stop another user from using your
nick, then NickServ won't let go of the nick for 2 minutes. This
command overrides that. If you're not in the access list for the nick
you want to release, then you will need to include the password.
/msg NickServ Release dalvenjah AnyOldPassword
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - INFO
Usage - INFO <nick>
DalHelper - /NS IN <nick>
If a nick is registered, this command shows certain info about it,
such as the owner, when it was registered, when it was last
recognised by NickServ, and whether or not the owner has set nick
kill on.
/msg NickServ info Cit
***** NickServ Help*****
Command - ACC
Usage - ACC <nick>
This is mainly used by bots, to determine if the person using the
nick is the real owner. The reply will be given in a notice, saying:
ACC <nick> <access level>
The returned access level is a number from 0 to 3:
0 = No such registered nickname
1 = User is not online or not recognized by NickServ
2 = User is identified with matching NickServ access mask
3 = User is identified with the NickServ IDENTIFY command
/msg NickServ ACC dalvenjah
***** NickServ Help *****
Command - LIST
Usage - LIST <search pattern>
The list command has been disabled.
It will not be back for a while.
***** End of NickServ HELP*****
MemoServ Help
***** MemoServ Help*****
Command - HELP
Usage - HELP <command>
DalHelper - /MS HE <command>
Returns Help information about requested MemoServ command.
/msg MemoServ help send
will return information about how to send a memo to a user.
***** MemoServ Help*****
MemoServ allows users registered with NickServ to send
each other messages, which can be read by the recipient at
his/her leisure. Memos can be sent to people even when they
are not on IRC.
For more information on a command msg MemoServ help <command>
SEND - Send another user or a channel a memo
SENDSOP - Sends a memo to all SOPs
LIST - List your current memos
READ - Read a memo
DEL - Mark a memo as deleted
UNDEL - Mark a memo as not deleted
PURGE - Erase memos marked as deleted
FORWARD - Arrange or modify memo forwarding
NEWS - Recent news and information about DALnet
***** MemoServ Help *****
Command - SEND
Usage - SEND <nick> <memo>
DalHelper - /MS SE <nick> <memo>
This sends a short memo to <nick>. Both your nick, and the nick of
the person you're sending the memo too must be registered,
otherwise you will be unable to send a memo.
/msg MemoServ send JoeUser Hi there. Could you meet me in #help to go
over a few things? Thanks :)
***** MemoServ Help*****
Command - SENDSOP
Usage - SENDSOP <channel> <memo>
DalHelper - /MS SES <channel> <memo>
This command is used to send memos to all SOps and the founder
in a channel. Only gets sent to those nicks in the SOp list
that are registered. Limited to AutoOp and above.
/msg MemoServ SENDSOP #DragonRealm This is a SOps only memo.
***** MemoServ Help *****
Command - LIST
Usage - LIST
DalHelper - /MS LI
Displays a list of memos sent to you. You cannot see memos that you
have sent. Only 20 memos will be displayed. If you have more than 20
memos, you will have to delete some of the earlier memos, to get at
the ones near the top.
/msg MemoServ List
***** MemoServ Help *****
Command - READ
Usage - READ <memo number>
DalHelper - /MS RE <memo number>
Shows you the contents of <memo number>. To find out what <memo
number> is, use /msg MemoServ List.
/msg MemoServ Read 1
/msg MemoServ Read 15
***** MemoServ Help *****
Command - DEL
Usage - DEL <memo number>
DalHelper - /MS DE <memo number>
Usage - DEL ALL
DalHelper - /MS DA
Deletes memo <memo number> (as given by the LIST command) from your
memo list. DEL ALL deletes and purges all of your memos without
restriction, so use it with care. There is no way to get a memo
back after it has been deleted and purged.
Note: DEL does not actually remove the memo, but simply marks it as
deleted (indicated with D in the LIST display). The memo is not
removed until you sign off or the PURGE command is used.
/msg MemoServ Del All
/msg MemoServ Del 13
***** MemoServ Help *****
Command - UNDEL
Usage - UNDEL <memo number>
DalHelper - /MS UN <memo number>
Marks memo <memo number> (as given by the LIST command) as undeleted,
if has been marked deleted with the DEL command.
/msg MemoServ Undel 1
***** MemoServ Help *****
Command - PURGE
Usage - PURGE
DalHelper - /MS PU
Purges all Deleted Memos from the database.
***** MemoServ Help*****
Command - FORWARD
FORWARD <nickname> [password]
DalHelper - /MS FO
/MS FO -
/MS FO <nickname> [password]
This command will 'forward' memos from one Registered nickname
to another. The first command will tell you if forwarding on your
current nickname is on. The second command will turn forwarding
for your current nickname off.
The third will forward memos from your current nick to <nick>.
You Must know the password of the nick you wish to forward
memos to.
/msg MemoServ FORWARD
/msg MemoServ FORWARD -
/msg MemoServ FORWARD dalvenjah AnyGoodPassword
***** MemoServ Help*****
Command - NEWS
Usage - NEWS
DalHelper - /MS NE
Display the newest DALnet news 'article' via services.
DALnet news is updated periodically to bring users
updated information about services and DALnet in general.
For past news articles, visit http://www.dal.net/news
***** End of MemoServ HELP *****